ANI is working on monitoring key innovation indicators and rankings and the results of innovation programmes coordinated and managed or supported by ANI.
Innovation Portal
ANI is developing the “Innovation Portal”, which aims to be a “showcase” of innovation and R&D results produced by NIS players.
ANI Open Data
Projects supported by ANI and approved through the various incentive systems.
Support projects of companies in co-development with other companies or other entities of the R&I System, aiming at strengthening their competitiveness and international insertion.
Support projects for the creation and dynamisation of a “Co-development R&D Nucleus” involving qualified human resources, originating from several co-developers.
Support advanced technology demonstrator projects and pilot lines that, based on successfully completed R&D activities, aim to showcase the economic and technical advantages of new technological solutions.
Support transversal and strategic R&D projects aimed at creating new products, processes or services with high technological and innovation content.
To promote national co-funding of Portuguese entities participating in European R&D projects where co-funding is exclusively provided by national sources.
Support the internationalisation of R&D by stimulating the participation of R&I system companies and other entities in European research and innovation programmes.
Support projects that aim to protect rights and industrial property.
Support Scientific and Technological Knowledge Transfer structuring projects promoted by the Technological Interface Centres (TIC).