Technological Interface Centres (TICs) are institutes that serve as a link between higher education institutions and companies, which are dedicated to valuing products and services, and technology transfer.
This initiative intends to train TICs and companies, especially SMEs, in R&D and innovation activities, enhancing the link with innovation system entities and facilitating their access to highly qualified human resources, promoting scientific and qualified employment, and increasing access to knowledge.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 84/2016 recognises that Interface Centres have played an important role in linking institutions of the scientific system and companies from several areas, including certification processes, quality improvement, efficiency in production, support for innovation activities, access to developing technologies and training of human resources.
The INTERFACE Programme, approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 84/2016, of 21st of December, pays particular attention to the training of the Interface Centres, key entities of the national innovation system and agents that place value on scientific and technological knowledge, promoting their transfer to companies.
Under the terms of the ANI proposal, Dipsatch No. 8563/2019, of 27 september, recognizes 31 entities as Interface Centers: AEMITEQ, AIBILI, CATIM, CCG/ZGDV, CEIIA, CENTIMFE, CeNTItvc, CITEVE, COTHN, COTR, CTCOR, CTCP, CTCV, CTIC, CVR, IBET, INEGI, INESC TEC, INL, INOV INESC Inovação, IPN , ISQ, IT, ITeCons, PIEP, RAIZ, UNINOVA, WavEC Offshore Renewables, IEP, INESC-MN e BLC3.