Catalysing and boosting innovation in Portugal
ANI - Agência Nacional de Inovação, S.A. aims to:
- Promote collaboration between entities of the Scientific and Technological System and the business world;
- Increase international programme participation by the national Science & Technology System's companies and entities, in order to promote their skills, competences and results;
- Fund I&D - Innovation & Development, by managing a set of R&D instruments and innovation incentives;
- Empower and value innovation, contributing to the consolidation of the NIS - National Innovation System;
- Publicise, nationally and internationally, innovation success cases in Portugal.
ANI will lead its activity following three major national objectives:
- Energy Transition - contributing to decarbonisation;
- Digital Transition - promoting technological efficiency.
- Cohesion - contributing to a balanced territorial development
Making the future today, transforming the economy through science
R&D and Innovation are fundamental to the long-term development of societies, and ANI 'strategic vision is to take action to connect the science environment and companies. ANI is responsible for promoting knowledge transfer in order to create value for the national economy, establishing priorities and defining indicators focused on supporting the adoption of knowledge and technology by companies and society.
ANI shall:
- Catalyse Innovation in Portugal;
- Promote the link between science and the economy;
- Integrate partnerships and collaboration;
- Front-end of the NIS support system.
In permanent interaction with the NIS - National Innovation System.
- Integrity
- Transparency and Accountability
- Collaboration
- Lasting Partnerships
- Problem Solver
- Communication
- Team
- Innovation
- Confidence